中秋节英语作文500字__《Writtento celebrate Mid-Autumn Day》

【Written to celebrate Mid-Autumn Day】

"Thebright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoys the samemoment". The verse that wins universal praise lets people naturally thinkof the charming golden yellowmoon hanging in the night sky in Mid-Autumn Day.

As the sayinggoes: " Aug. 15 the moon is round, mooncake for Mid-autumn Festival isfragrant and sweet”. Our whole family enjoyed the moon happily and ate themooncake at the same time in the Mid-Autumn Day of 2011.

The moon isbeautiful, big and round, when looking from faraway distance, sending outgentle golden light. In the black night, the moon watches the world curiouslyand appreciates warmth and happiness of people! What it is really called “thebright moon sprinkles light radiance, round moon, perfect people andeverything.”

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Dad set upthe telescope, invited Mom and me to enjoy the moon closely with smile, to lookfor the "goddess of the moon" and " Jade Rabbit "! Momlooked with smile, patted me on the shoulderand said: "science fan, go and see!"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 I stared atthe moon absorbedly through the lens: through beautiful light, I saw theoriginal appearance of the moon was quite different from looking from fardistance. There are varieties of large and small round mountains with differentheight on the surface, seem a lot of whelks on the face of the moon. “Wow, moonsister becomes moon brother!” I shouted loudly. Hearing that , Dad burst intolaughter! There is also lots of black speckle, called “Yuehai”, interestingenough: some of them like naughty rabbits, some like tall cherry bays, otherslike beautiful Goddess in the moon! No wonder there is legend of “GoddessFlying to the Moon”!

2012’s Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon, I want to sendyou a big "moon cake", content composition: 100% pure blessing;Ingredients: health + joyfulness + peace + best = happiness; Shelf life: alifetime, Storage: cherish! Like it? Better cherish well oh!



上海龙凤shlf最新地址 俗话说:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”,2011年的中秋,我们一家一边津津有味地品尝着月饼,一边开心地赏月。




2012中秋节快到了,我想送你一个大“月饼”,含量成分:100%纯祝福;配料:健康+快乐+平安+如意=幸福;保质期:一辈子;保存方法:珍惜 !喜欢吗?一定要珍藏好哦!


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